Aid to Exporters

Russian Export Centre

The Russian Export Centre (hereinafter, the REC) was established as a specialised organisation offering a one-stop-shop for exporters in the field of financial and non-financial support measures, including those through interaction with relevant ministries and agencies that carry out the foreign trade development functions in the Russian Federation.

Since early 2016, the functional integration of the REC Group companies took place, to comprise the Russian Export Centre, the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR), and the Eximbank of Russia.

The REC Group provides a wide range of financial (lending, insurance, bank guarantees) and non-financial services to current and potential exporters, interacts with relevant executive authorities, prepares proposals for improving business activities in the fields of exports and foreign trade, regularly interacts with representatives of the business and expert communities and contributes to overcoming barriers and removing the system restrictions.

Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

In 1992, the Decree by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev supported the idea of ​​ the Tatarstan’s business community to establish a Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Republic. On 11 November 1992, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was registered in the Tatarstan Ministry of Justice as a public, independent, non-profit organisation. It is a member of the Russia’s system of chambers of commerce and industry.

Services for participants of foreign trade activities

  • Due Dilligence
  • Accreditation of foreign companies
  • Foreign trade contracts (development / expert examination)
  • CE European certification
  • European Information Correspondence Centre
  • INCOTERMS 2010
  • Enforcement of foreign arbitration awards abroad
  • Consultations on foreign laws
  • International Courts / International Arbitration
  • Registration and issue of ATA Carnets
  • Registration of companies with foreign investment
  • Register of participants in foreign trade activities
  • Trade and Economic Missions
  • Certification of documents for participants in foreign trade activities

Tatarstan Export Support Centre

The Tatarstan Export Support Centre provides comprehensive financial and non-financial support to export-oriented enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan (SMEs) that are engaged in international trade activities. Services are provided free of charge. To obtain services, a small or medium-sized business should join the Tatarstan Exporters Register.

Centre’s services

  • Advice to entrepreneurs
  • Training in the field of foreign economic activities
  • Preparation of foreign events
  • Organisation of SMEs participation in exhibitions
  • Organisation of business missions
  • Sales market surveys
  • Services for standardisation and certification of products
  • Expert examinations of projects and transactions
  • Translation of documents into foreign languages
  • Consultations concerning participation in government programmes
  • Interaction with government agencies in the issues of promoting goods and services
  • Organisation of interaction with similar structures in other regions

Tatarstan representative offices

in constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in foreign countries

Representative Offices of the Republic of Tatarstan in Foreign Countries

Representative Offices of the Republic of Tatarstan in Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation

Exporter Encyclopedia

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