Assembly of Russian-made CNC metalworking machines. In 2024, the planned localization level is 70% of components: a tool shop, a bed, an electric cabinet, a casing, protection of guides, a chip conveyor. Work is underway to expand the range of machine tools and reengineering of advanced equipment. The need for import substitution of machine tool products in the domestic market and building up the technical competencies of the domestic industry is due to the "Strategy for the development of the machine tool industry for the period up to 2035", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 2020 No. 2869-R. The company is equipped with modern equipment and highly qualified specialists to maintain high quality with high productivity.
- 420095, Россия, Республика Татарстан, город Казань, тер. Химград, д. 73, помещ. 21