Go to sectionAutomotive segment is the leading branch in the Tatarstan’s mechanical engineering industry, which largely determines the level of economic and social development of the Republic.
Manufacture of automotive vehicles is carried out in close cooperation with the enterprises in electrical, chemical, textile, and other industries.
Contribution to the industrial output of Tatarstan
Produced in 2022:
Trucks (81.9% compared to 2021)
Cars (29.1% compared to 2021)
The largest Russia’s manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, every second truck made in Russia and the CIS is a KAMAZ vehicle. Today, the KAMAZ Group comprises 89 companies located in Russia, CIS, and non-CIS countries.
> 2 357 400
trucks have been assembled since the launch of its production

Best Russia’s Exporter
KAMAZ has repeatedly been recognised as "The Best Exporter of the Russian Federation"
Совместное предприятие «Соллерс Форд» 
Соллерс Форд — совместное предприятие глобального концерна Ford Motor Company и ведущего российского автопроизводителя ПАО СОЛЛЕРС, которое является контролирующим акционером. Сегодня компания производит на своих мощностях семейство автомобилей Ford Transit, а также широкую линейку модификаций специального и социального назначения.