Chemical Industry

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The Republic of Tatarstan is an ultimate competence centre in the field of chemicals production and plastics processing. It is a home for major Russian manufacturers of chemicals and hosts over 100 large and medium-sized businesses that are processing plastics. The amount of products shipped by chemical and petrochemical enterprises of Tatarstan totalled RUB 793.1 billion by the end of 2022.

17.1 %

Contribution to the industrial output of Tatarstan

791.3 billion RUB

Products shipped in 2022

Produced in 2022

1 722 900

пластмасс в первичных формах


thousand tonnes
Synthetic rubbers

13 659

thousand шт.
Шин, покрышек,




Nizhnekamskneftekhim is one of the largest petrochemical manufacturers in Eastern Europe that holds leading positions among domestic makers of synthetic rubbers, plastics, and ethylene. It is part of the TAIF Group. The company was founded in 1967; its main production facilities are located in Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan).

> 120

Types of products: polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, including linear polyethylene, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, alpha-olefins, and surfactants.

> 50 countries

The company's products are exported to more than 50 countries in Europe, America and Southeast Asia. The export share in the total production is about 50%.

Core products are

  • synthetic rubbers for general and special purposes

  • plastics: polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, and ABS plastic

  • monomers as feedstock for the production of rubbers and plastics

  • other organic petrochemicals (ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, alpha-olefins, surfactants, etc.)

Продолжается реализация Стратегической программы развития ПАО «Нижнекамскнефтехим» до 2025 года. Ее основными проектами являются проекты по выпуску новых видов каучуков, а также строительство нового олефинового (этиленовый) комплекса ЭП-600.


ПАО «Казаньоргсинтез» — крупнейший российский производитель полимеров и сополимеров этилена, поликарбоната, полиэтиленовых труб, бисфенола, фенола, ацетона, этиленгликолей, этаноламинов и других продуктов органического синтеза. Всего более 170 наименований продукции.

В 2020 году на ПАО «Казаньоргсинтез» завершена масштабная модернизация производства поликарбонатов. Мощность производства выросла с 65 до 100 тысяч тонн.

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